Key Design Considerations for HMO Property Investors in England

Dec 12, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

When it comes to HMO property management in England one of the most crucial considerations is design. Creating living spaces for your prospective tenants which are functional but appealing too, is vital.

Creating a comfortable HMO space has an extremely important part to play in influencing the type of tenants who want to live in the property. Even more importantly, perhaps, it can also increase the amount of rent you can charge.

Read on to learn about HMO property planning for landlords in England and get some helpful HMO design tips to ensure your property is attractive to its future tenants.

The Importance of Effective HMO Layout Ideas


Space optimization in HMO properties in England is something that can hugely influence their functionality. For your HMO to be a success, you need to ensure that you’ve designed it with the tenants’ needs firmly in mind. You should create spaces which are both practical and comfortable, with ample communal areas where tenants can socialise, as well as sufficient storage for their belongings.

When it comes to HMO furniture arrangement, it’s also vital to bear in mind your future tenants’ specific needs. As an example, if your property will be aimed at students, you should make sure that you’ve provided enough desk space and study areas to meet their requirements.

HMO Interior Design Matters

Aesthetics is something that some HMO landlords in England overlook.  Yet it’s an element that can have a significant impact on the kind of tenants who want to reside in the property. Most tenants are seeking a space which is visually appealing as well as practical and functional. Without these criteria being met, your HMO property will not be as successful as it could be.

You should tap into the power of effective HMO design for maximum rental income. A property that has been well designed will help you to charge as high a rent as possible while also keeping your occupancy rates up. An appealing interior design can differentiate your HMO property in England from others nearby, and help to increase your profits overall.

Attention To Detail Counts

Although, of course, there are some legal HMO design requirements, such as optimal HMO room sizes and amenity requirements, paying close attention to details such as lighting, furnishings, and colour schemes is just as, if not more, crucial.

Selecting the best colour scheme creates a calming, welcoming environment for your tenants, with neutral shades such as grey, cream, and beige being especially popular choices. Furthermore, the furniture should be functional, comfortable, and visually attractive too. When lighting is used to its best advantage, it will also lend an inviting and warm feeling to the space, making life far more pleasant for your tenants.

Don’t Overlook Communal Areas


A key challenge facing HMO landlords when it comes to design is creating attractive yet practical communal spaces. These areas need to be designed keeping tenants’ needs in mind. Communal kitchens need sufficient appliances and storage space for every tenant, as required by law, but must also be designed to encourage socialisation, with cosy seating and a dining table. Many people choose HMO living because they want to enjoy the social aspect of their housing. The right design is vital in this.

Upkeep and Maintenance Considerations

When designing your HMO property in England you must consider its upkeep and ongoing maintenance. Choose finishes and materials that are robust and durable since HMOs are typically subjected to greater wear and tear when compared with single-family dwellings. You should always select easy to maintain materials and finishes that can withstand frequent heavy use as well as décor and furniture that is simple to repair or replace as necessary.

Keep Your Tenants’ Needs in Mind

It’s clear that your HMO property design can have a great influence on its success. It goes without saying that an HMO that has been thoughtfully designed will attract higher-quality tenants and, in turn, increase your rental income. However, to achieve this goal, you must keep your future tenants’ needs at the forefront of your mind.

Paying close attention to details like furnishings, lighting, and colour schemes will make all the difference when it comes to occupancy rates and tenant satisfaction, while ensuring that your chosen finishes and materials are suitably durable and practical enough to ensure ease of ongoing maintenance.

Once you’ve completed your HMO design and are ready to launch your property on the HMO rental market, you may need some help with HMO property management in England. Our team at the HMO Network are here to help.

Call today on 01245 835859 or drop us an email to to arrange a chat.